Loving Oklahoma

I thought I had decided to retire this blog, but as it turns out, I have more to say. A weird thing happens to me. It’s not a good weird. It’s a bad, evil, ominous weird. It leaves me feeling haunted and empty and lucky all at once. Whenever I move to a new town, … Continue reading

The OKC Barons and Bricktown

When I made the decision to move to Oklahoma, it left a lot of people scratching their heads. “Oklahoma? Why? What could possibly be there? You’re going to live in the sticks? It’s so country there.” Well, yes. Yes it is country here. If by country you mean super nice people, wide open spaces, and … Continue reading

Not Dying 101: Be Ready

Oh, heyyy. Here I am. Look at me. Turns out, this whole moving/getting settled/making my apartment functional thing has taken a lot more time and energy than I expected. But, I now have fast internet, a working computer, AND a few free minutes with which to write. Wild, I know. My free time lately has … Continue reading

Music You Should Be Listening To

Stephie Coplan and the Pedestrians put out their first music video for their song, “Jerk,” just a few short days ago. It. Is. Fantastic. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should– this is not some kid with a handicam who makes you wonder if he was having a seizure while filming. This is the … Continue reading

NaNoWriMo and Beating My Exceptionally Short Attention Span

The month of November marks National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. The goal of NaNoWriMo is to start a novel from scratch, and meet the 50,000 word goal. Every year since the beginning of my time blogging (ten years now) I have said I am going to partake in this challenge, and have … Continue reading

Slacktivism, National Suicide Prevention Week, and Why Being Nice Matters

Hello, friends. It’s been a while since I have posted, I know. I feel like I say that at the beginning of every post these days. Apologies. Today’s subject is a serious one, but an important one. Slacktivism is all the rage on Facebook recently. Everyone wants to “help” by telling their friends the color … Continue reading

Books > Smoking

It’s Monday, and I have barely slept. So I am achy, and tired, and relatively cranky. Not an awesome way to start the week, at all. But until my inability to fall asleep last night it was a nice, relaxing weekend, consisting of Cars 2 (a must see!), a hibachi dinner, cleaning the apartment, and … Continue reading

Comic Con and Being MIA

I know I have been the worst blogger in the world. I wish I could say I was busy doing something super exciting and adventurous, but the truth is that I spent all of my “free” time last week doing wedding things. I woke up one day and realized I am getting married in four … Continue reading

American Girl

I have to admit. I haven’t had a lot to rant about lately. Summer is here, I’ve done a lot of fun things lately, and life is good. Also, I have had to do that work at work thing, so my time has been minimal. But I promise, something other than music will happen soon! … Continue reading


I love Christina Grimmie, and you should too. Or, at least listen to the girl sing. She rocks.