Books > Smoking

It’s Monday, and I have barely slept. So I am achy, and tired, and relatively cranky. Not an awesome way to start the week, at all. But until my inability to fall asleep last night it was a nice, relaxing weekend, consisting of Cars 2 (a must see!), a hibachi dinner, cleaning the apartment, and reading like a fiend.

When I say “reading like a fiend,” I mean it wholeheartedly. I consume literature. I don’t just read. I devour. From Young Adult novels to literary classics, fiction to biographies, I average about three books a week, depending on how busy I am and what type of reading I am doing. Ever since my mom and dad got me a Nook for my birthday in April, I can’t get enough. I was an avid reader before, but I am an obsessed reader now. I read everywhere. In my car before work, on my lunch breaks, waiting in waiting rooms, riding in the car (not while I am driving, don’t worry, haha)… It’s an addiction. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. In fact, I recently celebrated my three year anniversary of being a non-smoker (yay, me!) and I must say, even  my book habit is cheaper than that was. Well, sometimes. Because I still buy print copies of my favorite authors, in order to complete collections. But it’s okay. Books won’t kill me, and I like being smart.

So, if you have any recommendations for new things to read, please share them. Also, if you are a Goodreads member (or want to be) please friend me by clicking HERE. Goodreads is a great internet community for readers, where you can read reviews, share recommendations, and keep track of what you are reading/have read/want to read. People can see what you are reading, you can see what others are reading, and you can chat about books. It’s pretty awesome, and has led me to discover a lot of novels I might not otherwise have. It has also kept me from wasting on time on novels that sounded great in theory but ended up being garbage in practice.

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